Well, we didn't have gin, but we did have Thanksgiving Mojitos on Thursday. Cousin Nick (the bartender for the day) arrived at 1:00 p.m. on the dot, and we didn't stop until 11:00 p.m. that night. They were great. Not too sweet, not too sour--and even included an extra splash of Mango rum and a dash of Lime Vodka at the end, to cut the sweetness. I had 3 before I switched to 2 bottles of sparkling wine (which the sis-in-law helped me down) and then, I guess you should count the numerous glasses of wine at our dinner of smoked turkey.
No one got too silly, but we did go out on the back porch to smoke cigars and shoot at cans w/ a BB gun. (I hit 3 out of 3 dead center!) Still, unlike last year, no jello molds were dropped on the floor, the men didn't have to finish making dinner, I didn't have to take a nap, and there was no drunk dialing of distant relatives.
Oh well.
There's always next year.
(Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your loved ones, too!)