--Julia Child

I love my in-laws. They are fabulous -- I'm very lucky, I know.
One of the great traditions they've passed down is their beloved "Attitude Adjustment Time" -- known to laymen as "Cocktail Hour."
Attitude Adjustment Time begins at our house anytime after 3 p.m. It usually occurs on the weekends, but certain weeknights may call for it, and we're all adults, so why not?
Attitude Adjustmet drinks can include wine, beer, cocktails, etc. and usually include some kind of snack (or, as my mother-in-law says, "snackages") to help keep your wits about you.
When the holidays roll around, and we visit the in-laws in upstate NY, it gets even better -- on Thanksgiving, we have "Drink of the Day." As it has been for years, my husband's cousin brings the fixings and we get to drink it from before the turkey is thawed to way after the last piece of pumpkin pie. Fun always ensues, and usually a headache the next day, but I've learned a few ibuprofen before bed usually helps, as does one of my mother-in-law's famous "yellow cake cookies."
Here are some ideas for your own Attitude Adjustment Time cocktails:
-Dragonfly: Ginger ale, gin and a lime wedge (I hate the insect, but I love this drink!)
-Savannah Sun Tea: Sun tea flavored vodka, splash of water, lemon wedge
-Champagne cocktail: Sugar cube soaked in bitters, placed in bottom of flute, topped with champagne or sparkling wine, and twist of lime
-Sangria: Fill a medium bowl with cut up fresh fruit (apples, orange wedges, strawberries, peaches), 2 sprigs of mint, a splash of rum, a splash of brandy, and a splash of triple sec. Let marinate in the fridge for as long as you can stand it, pour into pitcher filled with ice, add a bottle of fruity red wine -- enjoy!
Some "Drink of the Day" drinks from holidays past (recipe is never shared)
2009: TK-- I'll let you know what we have this year!
2008: Nick's Thanksgiving cocktail = "Nicksgiving"
2007: Whiskey Sours
2006: We had everyone from my side out to NJ this year, but it was Martinis up in NY.
2005: I forget what the drink of the day was, but I know I had an entire bottle of Asti by myself--which is probably why I forget!
2004: We were at my parents' house this year
2003: We were at home in New Jersey this year.